Savannah wedding

Ally + Mark: A Bermudian Savannah Wedding

First, I should apologize for the fact that it has been a million months since I have posted anything on the blog. Life has been insane, but I really am going to try to blog more! 

Secondly, I have a fantastic wedding to share today. We met Mark and Ally a couple years ago when they were the photographers of the wedding we filmed in Bermuda. They are both Bermudian citizens and live there full time. At the time we met them, they were seriously dating, and it was only a matter of time before Mark popped the question. They decided to get married in Savannah, GA, because Ally had gone to college there and had family from the area. When they asked us to film the wedding, we were ecstatic, because even though we only met them for a few hours, we knew that we really liked them. They are fun, kind people, and we couldn't be happier that they found each other. (Plus we got to use some Super 8, and we always love that!) Here is their film! Enjoy!